آزادی و تو

به تصوير درختى
كه در حوض
زير يخ زندانى ست،
چه بگويم؟
من تنها سقف مطمئنم را
پنداشته بودم خورشيد است
كه چتر سرگيج هام را
– همچنان كه فرونشستن فواره ها
از ارتفاع گيج پيشانى ام مى كاهد –
در حريق باز مى كند؛
اما بر خورشيد هم
برف نشست.
چه بگويم به آواى دور شدن كشتى ها
كه كالاشان جز آب نيست
– آبى كه مى خواست باران باشد –
و بادبانهاشان را
خداى تمام خداحافظى ها
با كبوتران از شانه ىِ خود رم داده... ـ

کل شعر
To an image of a tree
which is imprisoned under ice in a pool
what would I say?

Me I've thought my only certain roof
is the sun

which in its burning
opens the umbrella of my dizziness
- like the subsiding of a fountain -
brings it down from the dizzy heights of my forehead,

but on the sun too
snow is lying

What would I say to the sounds of the departing ships
which are carrying nothing except water
- water which wanted to become rain -
and a god of all the goodbyes
has frightened away their sails
along with the pigeons on its shoulder

Bijan Elahi
paul lydon    # music  |  persian  |  ís